so cute!!

Hey everyone sorry I haven't written a blog in a while. I've finally posted some pictures though! Ava's bday party was a sucess ;) With the cutest cake ever! She got lots of presents which her and her mommy love :) She was a little fussy, ok a lot fussy, but it turned out fab!! She of course didn't eat her cake, considering she's still not eating, not a big surprise. We went for her one year appt last week. She's 15 lbs. Whooo hooo we made the 15 pound mark finally!!! She's crawling, standing, walking along the table, and getting into pretty much everything now. Makes me happy because I was a little worried I would never see this day. She can get into anything she wants :) We also learned because of her neck issue she will never be able to do a few things such as jump on a trampoline, ride a roller coaster, soccer, gymnasctics, cheerleading, which makes me sad!! I just want my baby to cheer. I guess she can be the mascot and dress up in the silly uniform ;) hehehe. Oh well, maybe this will make her more book smart and she'll grow up and be something big, a surgeon or something!! Everyone mark your calanders... only a few more months until our wedding. Nov 13th!! I'm so ready! I'm also sooooo ready to relax on the beach afterwards ;) I'll miss my babies but I'm soooooooooooo ready. Nov hurry up! Everyone should be getting bridal shower invites in the mail pretty soon. Christa has all of those ready just waiting on a few more addresses. I'm ready for my bach party too :) We're going to Chicago! Excalibur! That's Sept 12th for those of you that need a reminder :) Everyones welcome to come, it'll be fun! That's also Erics bday, ooops. I spaced it when we saved the date. I think his brothers going to have his bach party the same night, so I don't think he'll be missing me too much! Well see everyone soon!!!