* Weighs 12 pounds 3 oz- ish... she's been to the doc a couple of times and it fluctuates
*22 in long
*Still not taking bottle, eats very little baby food
*Trys to roll over, enjoys hanging out on her right side for a few min
*Smiles allllllllllll the time still.
*Loves when mommy sings even if it would hurt everyone elses ears
*Loves mommy in general ;)
*Doesn't do so well with strangers
*Starts crying as soon as she realizes we are at the doctors office
*Sleeps 12 hours threw the night
*Loves patt-i-cake... laughs out loud at it
*Wearing 3-6 month clothes and onsies
Not much has changed since last month. Still not sitting up. I have a feeling this is the month where she's going to start falling behind developmentally. We'll get there eventually! She goes in for an xray of her neck sometime next week. It's just to make sure we're not hurting her when stretching her. They want to make sure there are no bone issues. There shouldn't be since they looked her over so well in the nicu but you never know. The torticollis isn't getting any better, so we're just being safe. I think once she's able to sit up and move around we'll see a world of difference. All in all she's doing great though. We just have a few little things to overcome. After everything else she's been threw this is nothing! Dawson and Aryssa are doing fantabulous. Dawson got good grades again this report card, yipee for him. Less than a year and Aryssa will be in school. First day of kinder garden....sigh sigh, it's bitter sweet. She'll love it though!!! I'll love going shopping for school clothes for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dawson's going to be playing soccer this spring. I can't wait. I think it will be really good for him. Maybe toughen my little man up a bit :) We're debating on wether to put Aryssa in it to this year. I'm not sure, we may wait until next year when she's a little older. Ava needs to start sitting up so I can put her in tumbling :) She's going to be my little ballet gymnast cheerleader ;) Hey never to soon to start, hehe. J-k I'll wait till she's one or so!