Hope everyone had a safe and happy new years. We went to Christas for the day, well for the night. Originally they were going to come to our house, but both Eric and Vern had to work new years day. Eric also worked new years eve so he didn't get there until about ten. The super small pictures are from then, not many, but a few;) Aren't Gavin and Aryssa cute? We think they like each other ;) Me and Christa made some pork and what's it called? Pulled chicken? However you say it, it was really good. We were going to make some french fries and different dipping sauces, but Christa forgot, it really is all her fault :P We had a few desserts which no one ate. We finally remembered hey it's new years we're supposed to have a drink. So after a drink or two, we decided to play wii outdoor challenge. Bad idea with eating, having a drink, and basically doing an hour of cardio, it tired us both out! We stayed up watched the pre ball dropping show, then after a new years kiss (from Eric not Christa) off to bed we went. All of the kids made it till midnight, well other than Lakin. I think we prob all fell asleep before they did actually. Soooo not totally eventful, but I had fun. I love the wii!
Ava went to the doctor for a weight check yesterday. She weighed 11 pounds 5 oz, and was 22 1/2 inches long. She's finally growing in length! She's like the shortest almost 6 month old ever! She's really into this all of her finger sucking thing. 95% of the day she has at least her thumb if not a couple of fingers in her mouth. I've even caught her sucking a couple of times. Still not taking the bottle, but her therapist seems to think she'll get the hang of it withing the next month or so. I sure hope so! That prob means no more sleeping 12 hours threw the night, but that's ok, just as long as I can feed my baby! She's not eating her baby food as well either. She goes in for a swallow study either tomorrow or next Friday. I'm guessing next Friday since I haven't heard from anyone today. Her last one looked good, so hopefully it's still good and she won't have to get dilated, we will see... Other than that, there's not much else going on. Well I'll keep everyone updated.
She's so funny.... that second picture cracked me up!! Something about her smile and her eyes being all small.... cute!! That other one is funny, too. I think it makes her look like " mooommm, you know you think I'm cute". He-he, she knows your already wrapped around her finger, your gonna have your hands full!! Lord help us... another Jami...eeekk!!!!!!!!
Jami, you have a beautiful family. It makes me so happy to see you happy. I've always felt like you was a part of our family. But I just don't get to see you and Christa enough to make my heart complete. Love Kathy
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