Here are some pictures I've taken over the past couple of weeks. Dawson's first soccer game and some randoms. I have a video of Aryssa riding her bike with no training wheels I'm going to try to post next. Hopefully it works :) I just realized I forgot to do Ava's 9 month blog. Not a whole lot has changed but I'll go ahead and do it on this one.
*still in 6 mth clothes. in some clothes that would be 3-6 months
*trying to sit up, wants to really really bad but topples over
*happy happy happy
*now has 4 teeth. her top 2 just came in
*still not eating but loves to chew on her bottle. she is swallowing liquid when you give it to her from a straw. not sucking but swallowing. i'll take that!
*loves the t.v
*now sleeps in her crib
*loves to ride in her stroller and swing at the park
*kind of getting over her swing in the house
*puts everything in her mouth!! (except food)
*likes to shop ;)
*likes to shop ;)
*still in #2 diapers but can wear 3's
*weighs 14 pounds
*24 inches long (ehhh i think, oops...)
cute, cute!! That one of her in her pink outfit in the stroller looks a LOT like Dawson. We need to make sure they wear those outfits next time we see each other so we can get a picture. Emma's shoes aren't going to fit for to much longer. Wait... nevermind, it's going to be cold and rainy next time:(
The kids are getting so big. How cute. Dawson is growing up fast. Love Kathy
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