Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! It's crazy that it's already been here and gone. I swear every year goes faster and faster,
especially this year. Dawson even noticed it!! We went to my moms Christmas Eve. The kids made out this year, well they do every year. I of course left my camera in my purse the whole time so once my mom emails me some pictures I'll post those as well. I love Christmas at my moms. It's really the only time of year the whole family is there. We have Thanksgiving there but my
Kams and her
fam aren't usually there for that since they live in Tenn. (which
btw Kami I'm still mad that its warm there,
hehe) Anyway I just love getting everyone together it's so much fun. To see the looks on the kids faces when they open their presents is priceless. Christmas is
deff some of the best
memory's I'll always have! Eric got some super nice luggage, the best cologne in the whole world, and this remote that's giving me the creeps at the moment. It
doesn't have a battery but I'm pretty sure I just heard it talk again. It did it the other night too.
Yeeeeeeep kinda
creepin me out here. At least it's daylight, if it was dark I may have some serious creeping out issues. We all know I'm now afraid of the dark. Weird I know :) My parents also got us a picture that will go in my bedroom soon. Once my mom comes over that is... yes mom I have lots for you to hang :) I got an ab ball type thing from my mom.
Hmmmm think she's trying to tell me something? Eric got the iron gym for his
bday and me an ab ball for Christmas,
hmmmmm? Just kidding, we both wanted em, ha! I got some nice
jammies, a super warm house coat, few pics and frames, some nice ornaments (ill have to change the colors on my tree next year because these are
sooo cute and nicer than the ones i have), lots of decor Christmas stuff to do my house with (which I loved because I never by that stuff for myself), some perfume called "baby Grace" (how cute is that... it has the sweetest saying on it
That I got teary eyed reading it, it made me think of my baby Grace, I'll add it on in a bit for
everyone to enjoy), and some other
fantabulous things.
Aryssa got a real keyboard from my parents along with a lot of other toys, dolls, etc. from them and other family, Dawson got a radio and a map he's obsessed with. We now have a band in our house. He's got his guitar,
Aryssas's got her keyboard, and I of course have the voice, NOT, HA! Anyway they will have a lot of fun once we pick it up from my moms. We had to leave some stuff there because it wouldn't fit in the car, maybe we'll pick it up this week since we both forgot this weekend. Dawson also got some "cars" cars and a truck that he's been playing with non stop, a new mp 3 player, and a brand new real digital camera. He's been asking for one forever! He loves it. Christa saves the day again. I
didn't realize it
didn't come with a card, so she gave him an extra one that she had. He hasn't put it down since.
Aryssas been
jammin to Taylor Swift on her new super cute pink
radio. We also got a digital frame, but for some reason our card won't fit in it. You'd think they would make those things with an
attachment or
something that you could load your pictures from you computer onto it, but they don't, so
unfortunately we
haven't been able to use it :( Ava's had fun with a couple of her new toys. She
trys to grab this ball popper
thingy and gets super mad because it's to big for her to hold onto and eat. Funny girl! I was hoping to see some of
Erics family but Eric had to work, and Elizabeth is due
any day. Don't blame her for not traveling you
couldn't have paid me to go that far from my house. I'm so excited to see her baby soon!!! They don't know if it's a boy or girl yet, so it's going to be super exciting!
Kami and Brandon came and stayed with us over the holiday. I think we're going to make it a new tradition!!! We played a kinda like the newly wed game type game. It was fun but got the boys in trouble,
hehe. Eric started making untrue answers so I
wouldn't get mad, therefore we kept losing,
lol. There was one question saying something like who admires who more and he should have said he did me but
ohhhhh no he said i do him. Yep he was in trouble,
hahahha. We got
Aryssa a Hannah
Montana (
BAMMMMMMMM, inside thing) wig and outfit so me,
Kami, and Brandon had some fun with that in a couple of the pics.
Kami also taught me how to make bows.
Tak about fun! We made all kinds of headbands for Ava and Bailey, and some bow clips for
Aryssa and
Lakin. I'm going to try and get some more ribbon for me and Christa to make some Wed. Eric and I are going to go to her house new years eve since
Erics going to work for a bit.
That'll be fun and I'm sure I'll have lots of fun pictures so
until then..... peace out my
hommies, ha!
Oh yeah I forgot until I was just looking at the pics.... so Ava's g tube has fallen out twice this last time being the worse. A couple of weeks ago, I was taking Aryssa to her moms when I get a call from the nurse. (an hour after I called worried because the mickey button was loose) Anyway she calls Eric since he was home with the baby and has him pull up on it, well it comes all the way out. Somehow the balloon deflated. Eric (all by himself) put the temp one in, daddy of the year!!!! We took her to the emergency room, luckily since she was about 5 weeks out of her surgery her belly hadn't fallen and they were able to just put a new mickey button in. So this morning I get her out of bed and notice there's some blood on her onsie, so I lift it up to clean, and her g tube is all the way out. Ahhhhhhhhhh. So I woke Eric up, he tried to put the temp one in again and it wouldn't go in. We call the doc. they had us go up there. The nurse warns me that it's going to hurt her so I let Eric take her in. I hear her screaming the saddest cry I've ever heard. I've seriously not ever heard her cry like that. She was in some serious pain! I had to walk into the main part of the hospital because by that time I was crying. My poor baby has just been threw so much! They had to stick these metal things in starting off small and getting bigger to dilate the hole basically. It had closed up. The last time she ate was midnight and it was after 8 o clock in the am when she woke up (we were getting her hungry for speech that was coming this am norm she eats at 6 am) so it's hard telling how long that thing was out. Anyway yep it closed up. She's on tylenol now, is still huring a bit but hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow!