this toy weighs as much as she does, it doesn't look big in the picture but it's really heavy. anyway i walked in the living room and she had gotten ahold of it and was trying to eat it. this doesn't seem like a big deal but it is!!!!

I had a few more pictures I wanted to post for everyone. I finally got her smiling. She smiles non-stop all day. Every time I pull out the camera she stops. As soon as she sees the red light on it, she focuses on it, but ha I caught her :) We decided to do sweet potatos yesterday. She actually did pretty well. She ate more of them than anything else. You can tell towards the end of the feeding pics she was done though. She's learned how to spit her food out and she does it every time I try feeding her. I decided a couple of nights ago I was going to try and let her get hungry so she knows hey when I eat I'm full. She normally eats at midnight then again at 6 am and of course every three hours through out the day. She never really has a chance to feel hungry. So after her midnight feeding the past two nights I don't feed her until she wakes up. Today she woke up at about 7:30. She didn't want anything to do with her cereal, so I tried her bananas. She really didn't want those either so I tricked her into smiling (every bite) and she ended up eating quite a bit. Hopefully after a few days of this she'll realize hey if I eat look what happens and want to eat :) She did really well the first few times I fed her but now it seems like she spits it out quite a bit. I'm hoping this doesn't mean she's not going to eat!!! She actually did a few sucks from the bottle the other day. I put enough formula in it so I'd see bubbles, and she sucked! She hasn't done it since though. She now spits it out. I'm really hoping this is just a new look what I can do thing. She learned she has a voice and uses it alllllll day. It's sooo cute! She gets really loud too, very funny! Anyway enjoy the pictures! Oh and Aunt Barbara if you're reading this, Thanks for the blankey, Ava loves it! She has it with her every time she falls asleep. You can see in the pictures she loves it. She loves putting it over her face as well. I have to remove every time she falls asleep. Silly girl. Dawson was a blanket over the face baby too :) Ohhh and this g tube is doing the tissue grow thing again Ugh! I meant to take a picture of it so everyone could see how lovely it looks ;) Maybe next time. If this med doesn't start working in the next couple of days I'll have to take her in and let them use some other stuff to take it off. I'm hoping it works though because they said this other stuff burns :( geeez I use a lot of smiley faces huh? Oh and why I'm thinking about it, Christa has a random stalker on her blog. A random scary waitress stalker at that. We both wrote blogs about Aryssas birthday and how they don't sing at applebees or give the birthday kid a free sundae like most restaurants anyway... this lady goes off, I mean for real goes off on Christas blog. We go to her blog and of course she's a crazy waitress lady that took everything way out of context (because i can't figure out how to spell poportion) I mean she blew up! So of course me not being able to keep my mouth shut at times, writes her a comment back on her blog :) No I wasn't mean I was just explaining to her the situation and decided to throw in there that she may have some issues she needs to get checked out considering she's reading random peoples blogs and leaving comments on them. Anyway I thought it was funny so had to share :) She's prob reading weekly updates, stay tuned on my comments she may jsut make an appearence ;) there i go with the smiley face thing again. :0 :) ;) :0 :) ;) ;) :) ;0 :):):):):):):) ok to much energy!
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