cute tights huh? dollar bin at target :)

she's LOVES balloons. She'll stare at it and laugh for a good hour

Hey everyone, yes I'm aware once again there are a ton of spaces in between my pictures, grrrr. I'm over this blogger site. I think I may have found a new one, I'm going to check it out one of these days if I remember. So Decembers here already. I can't believe the years almost over. Goes by faster every year!!! So the first set of pictures are ones I took today. Ava's first cereal. She seemed to like it, she didnt spit it out at least. We've given her bananas a few times, she's learning how to spit those out. They go everywhere, it's so funny. She's done so much this week. She learned how to kick and splash water in the b ath last night. She LOVES the bath now. She cried when I took her out. Was prob because she was cold... She found her voice. She's always done little coos but now she really talks. I've noticed it the past few days but this am she went crazy, I've never heard her talk that much. I sent a few of you voice messages, so if you got some weird message that popped up on your phone it was me. I recorded it and sent it as a voice sms it's called?? She's starting to laugh quite a bit now too. Espically at her mobile, and it's more so when it turns off. Strange, but funny :) She's the happiest baby! I'm obsessed with her. I can't leave her alone. I find myself tearing up when she smiles at me. It's the sweetest cutest thing EVER! Everytime I walk in the room or she hears my voice she starts cheesing, I love it :) She also opens her mouth when she hears me talking. I give her prob a million kisses a day, so I guess when she hears or sees me she thinks I'm going to kiss her so she automatically opens her mouth. It's so funny. I say that a lot lately, I'm like Eric look hurry watch, it's so funny. Im sure he's sick of hearing it a hundred times a day. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that thinks "it's so funny" too. LOL. He's like "I know you've showed me that already" hehehe. I have a couple of videos of her laughing I'm going to upload. Oh yeah we took her and Aryssa to see Santa yesterday. Dawson then said I wanted to go, I'm like Dawson you know Santas not real, he's like oh yeah. He always forgets. We painted his room yesterday. It looks good but needs something, not sure what, mom when you coming over? She always knows, that's her area! He wrote a note, one for me one for Eric last night. He's really into this writing notes thing. I'm not sure what Erics said, but mine said something along the lines of... Thanks for painting my room, I really like it. I love you. If you want to write something back thats fine. Please tell Eric where my mailbox is so if he wants to write me something back, he can. Love you. To mommy from Dawson. LOL. I should have taken a picture of it, whatever he wrote was way more funny, there was more to it but I can't remember it all. Anyway, I have cleaning to do. Enjoy the pictures! Oh and Happy Late Thanksgiving to those of you I didnt see :) Oh yeah how could I have forgotten, Ava found her hands this week! Now they won't stay out of her mouth. She puts them up in front of her face, goes cross eyed staring at them, then in the mouth they go. It's like its the coolest thing she's ever seen, so funny!
The tree look's great and it isn't that small{you should see ours, when ever we decided to put it up}. Josh thinks we should buy a bigger one, but pa just says buy it yourself if you think that. The girls look so beautiful.
awwww.... don't you have one other kid? What's his name again? Oh, that's right, Dawson. That's okay, if anyone wants to see his pictures, they can just look at my blog:) Does any of this sound familiar??? I told you , I told you. Anyway, cute, cute, cute!! It's hard to beleive she's so tiny in person. She always looks so big and plump in your pictures! I need to see her soon, now that she's not crying all the time anymore:)
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