Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've wrote, havent really been in a blog writing mood. Im still not but decided I better give everyone an update and share some pictures before my grandma gets on my bu-tay again. Ava got her first big girl bath this weekend. Normally we just give her one in her bed, but we actually took her tub in this time. At first she let out like a ten second cry/whine, then once she realized hey i'm not cold, i kinda like this thing, she calmed down. She looked up at Eric and gave the biggest grin I've seen yet. Of course him being a man didn't have the camera ready therefore no picture. Go figure.... men, sigh sigh. She smiled her first real smile and cooed at me (all at the same time) last week. I have the date written down but it's upstairs. I did get a picture of her half smiling. I put her in her ghetto fabulous bouncy seat and when the fish started moving or whatever you want to call it (it kind of makes this sick cat noise and kind of turns a bit) But of course I got the picture because us moms think of that kind of thing, we always have a camera right there at the most perfect moments, lol. I didnt get to spend as much time as I usually do with Ava this Sat. Me and a friend of mine had a garage sell. It went sorta ok. Actually it really wasnt all that great. Friday night we went and put out our beautiful PINK signs. We couldnt get one of the stakes in the ground so we had Eric do it. Well guess where he put it? Go ahead guess. He put it where nobody could see it. Nobody driving on the road would have seen that sign with bincoulars much less just passing by. It was facing the total wrong direction. Possibly people leaving the edition may have seen it but I'm pretty sure the only people or things that saw it were the ducks as they were leaving the pond. Again... guys, sigh sigh. Dawson decided he wanted this second chicken pox shot he needs to get into the nicu. I think he's realized that it's going to be a while before the baby gets to come home. Iwas hoping he would be able to see her before her heart surgery but it's looking like he's not. The cardiologist and heart surgeon got together today and talked. Ava's on the max dose of heart meds that she can be on and it's really not doing any good. It's controlling the congestive heart failure a bit but she's not really gaining weight like she should and she's using a lot of energy eating, crying, etc... you know all the norm baby stuff. He said even if we waited a few more weeks and got her bigger it wouldnt make a difference. She's not putting on that much weight to where it would matter. He seems pretty confident about the surgery and her recovery. He thinks it would be more of a risk to bring her home on the feeding tube and wait vs doing it now. So this week it is. Were not totally sure on the date and time yet, but it's prob going to be Wed. If not Wed. then Fri. for sure. I'll let everyone know how it goes. Well most of you will prob be up there at some time or other. Well other then Christy. Her "babys daddy" won't watch her kids so she can come up... like ever, but that's another story. (no Im not bitter) Anyway they will move her to the picu the night before and she'll stay there in her big girl room for her recovery time. (Prob around a week) Good news is I can stay there in the room with her!!! That makes me happy. It will be our first over-nighter together!!!! I won't be able to hold her and she'll be pretty knocked out on pain meds, but I'll at least get to be with her this time. After she's made a fabulous recovery they'll take her back over to the nicu, they'll work on her feedings, then she'll get to come home!!!! I can't wait :) Nothing else is really going on right now. No new news on the other kids. Dawson's doing great in school though. Keeps getting A's on his spelling tests, yipeeee! He gets a new guitar if he gets all a's and b's... he's trying!!! He got a new m&m game today, he's pretty excited about that. His mamaw got him a nintendo ds for his birthday, so that's his new fave thing right now. Aryssa was at her moms this weekend so no new updates on her really. She did get to slather the baby in kisses with me today though, that was fun :) Slather, is that the right word? HMMMMM looks funny. My grandma leaves for Cali this weekend. I'm a bit jealous!!!!! I want to go. If Ava wasn't sick I'd sneak in her suitcase. Maybe next winter we can make a trip down there!!! Erics birthdays coming up. Sept 11th. Everyone wish him happy birthday. He's getting old. The big 31. I think he's going threw a mid life crisis. He now gets up in the morning and runs then in the evenings goes and works out. I wish I had that kind of energy. I'm beginning to realize I'm a lot older than I was with my last baby and this little bit of extra flab on my belly and thighs isn't going to just walk itself off. Darn it! I had Eric put some music on his "zuma" for me so I can start getting pumped before my walk/run/mostly walk routine. I call it a routine but I've yet to start it. It's nice to dream isn't it? BTW just kidding it's the 12th.

Cute!!! She just looks so happy! I wish my little Grace was! Why is it that we are the only ones that leave comments on our blogs?? I think we feel sorry for each other, we should protest the lack of cooperation of other people when it comes to comments! I hope to be there for the surgery, as long as it's Wednesday, I'm there!
Well here's another comment from good old PEE PAW. Very nice smile from Ava. Although there's lots going on with me right now (I won't bore you with details) I still pray for Ava daily. She's on our prayer list at church so many many many folks are praying all the time. I just know everything will work out fine. God is just taking His time with Ava so she'll be perfect when He's finally finished working on her. Never forget that many of us are continuously thinking and praying for Ava and you and Eric in this whole situation. I will probably be over the road on a train on Wednesday but I will be praying. I will visit as soon as I get back. I love you all very much, and I will see you soon. You know mom will be up there ASAP. See you soon SIS.
love DAD
I will leave you a message too! Just know that I love you very much and think about Ava all the time. Just think at least you dont have a child that wont let anyone even speak to her (HINT Christa) She is so beautifual and I told Dawson this weekend that she looks so much like him :)
Hey baby....it's your mama
You know I think she is just beautiful. I will and have been praying for Gracie along with so many other people. Know GOD holds her in his hands and I Iknow in my heart she is going to be fine. I think of her non-stop just as I did with Dawson and just as I did with you when you were born....I couldn't take my eyes off of you and though you were the most beautiful baby I ever saw. I hope this little joy will help you realize the love I felt for you when GOD gave you to me. Hey, I'm curious....you going to let her pick out her own clothes when she's 3.....hehhehe. Well I know you won't get this until after Ava surgery but I will see you in the morning and be dreaming tonight how wonderful it is going to be when you and Eric get to take that little angel home....I can't wait. There will be so many tears of joy when this day happens.
I love you punkie!!!
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