Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another update

Sorry I haven't wrote in a while, but there wasn't a whole lot to write until today. We're still waiting on Ava's lung to heal. It's about there though, only 3 m.l. of fluid came out today. They're going to take the chest tube out in the morning. YAY!! Yesterday Ava was fighting the vent so bad. For about 2 hours straight she was gagging and coughing, to the point where her little face was turning blue. I had the doctor called over there to see about taking the vent out and she agreed with me. If they didn't she was going to pull it out anyway. Well about 10:30 last night I get a call from the doctor (which by the way is a moron and got wrote up this am... I'll get to that in a min.) he wanted to "introduce himself since we've never met" then FINALLY gets to the point... and tells me they had to reintubate Ava. AKA putting the vent/breathing tube back in her. She was working hard to breathe and her co2 level was high. OK about the moron thing. Ava isn't supposed to have fetenol. She had a reaction after her first surgery called chest wall rigidity. Well the lovely Dr. decided to give it to her twice last night. Not a smart move. Luckily nothing happened. Something very very bad could have happened, then something really really bad would have happened to Mr doctor!!! So anyway after being up half the night, not being able to sleep filled with worry, I went there early this am. Ava looked great though. Her day primary nurse was there, cleaned her up, and she was all nice and pretty. She looked better than she has in a long time. Her nurse also wrote the Dr. up. I guess he's only there until the end of Oct. anyway. Ava's going to get dilated Thursday. They are doing a swallow study tomorrow to make sure there are no leaks...but.... today on the x-ray they saw a bulge in her esophagus. They will look at it again in the morning to make sure its not a leak of some sort. If it is that means more surgery. Hopefully not... poor baby has had to many already. Not to mention the scars... I can't help but think what she's going to be thinking about all of them when she's older. Also today the cardiologist came by to take a look at her heart. The four little holes were still there but once again they don't think that they will cause her any problems. He did find a leak in the tri-cuspid valve. (I think that's what it's called... i wrote it down somewhere)This could mean more surgery but hopefully not until she's older. He said it's a tricky surgery and they would deff put it off as long as possible. There is a chance that she will kind of grow into it and it won't cause her any problems. They are going to keep an eye on it every month to six months for the first year. If it's not giving her any issues then we'll go to once a year. It's prob caused from her vsd repair. (heart surgery) They had to go in by that valve and that's what damaged it. So for now... that's all I got. I'll let everyone know how Thursdays dilation goes and maybe have a few pictures. Oh and I got to go shopping this weekend. For the kids of course. Still no boots for me :( I still don't have it all out of me and prob never will. I dream about shopping... I LOVE it!!!! I didn't get Dawson much (they didn't have much) but I did get Aryssa and Ava some of the cutest clothes EVER! I want to go back to Gap and buy Aryssa these super cute brown boots. Christa ended up getting them for Lakin and she wore them today. I told her to take a picture, they are seriously the cutest brown kid boots I've ever seen!!! Ava got a super cute Christmas outfit with a matching bow-headband from gymboree.(of course emma has a matching one) I wanted to get Aryssa and Dawsons Christmas outfits from there too but Eric for some crazy reason thinks 20.00 is too much to spend on a kids skirt and kids shirt. Not sure where he's from in the shopping world, but wal-mart and craigs list isn't where I'll be getting the kids clothes. The shopping this is too cute to pass up part of me wanted to buy them anyway but the oh crap he's not working sane part of me figured I better not. The skirt matched Ava's outfit perfectly and would have looked so cute with a creme shirt and creme tights with some black shiny mary janes. And the boys outfit, sooo cute. It was super super cute pants with a cute pladdish shirt with a vest. Christa was going to get the same for Gavin... but we would have been fighting over the vest because they only had one of the size we needed :)It sounds kind of dorky but you would have had to see it.. it was all at gymboree, so it was cute! Oh and did I mention Christa has a van? He-he sorry Christa, had too. Funny story about that that involves me telling random people she drives a van :) Anyway no pictures today, but I'll add some here in a couple days!!! P.S. does everyone hate this cold cold weather as much as I do? I wander if your van gets around good in the snow Christa?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a bad, bad word Jami.... at least my van drives and doesn't always have a flat tire!!!! So there!! And I have cosmo and yoo-uu do-on't!! ( imagine that I'm singing that) And you are SUCH a bad mom! No pictures!! What about Dawson, huh?Huh?:)
