Hey everyone, Mom, Grandma, Eric, Christas van, Dad, Diane.... hehe sorry Christa had to. So I'm sitting here watching Ava sleep dying to pick her up! She eats at eleven so I wanted to let her rest before I got my hands on her! Plus I think I better get something to eat because I doubt I'll put her down, therefore I won't end up eating. Not that I'm looking forward to hospital food, I've deff had my fair share of this stuff they call food. The main hospital has really good food, I'm not sure what this stuff they have here really is??? So Ava decided last night she didn't want to be on the vent anymore. She was trying to pull it out. The doctor took it out about 9:30, and so far she's done really well. The chest tube which they said would be in there at least a few more weeks was working itself out, so this am they decided to pull it out. There is a chance they may have to put it back in, but they're hoping with this new "nasty" formula she's on that it will just clear itself up. http://intermountainhealthcare.org/xp/public/documents/pcmc/chylothorax.pdf this is a link to explain the chylothorax issues she has. I pray pray pray it clears itself up. Its about time something good comes her way!!! Lets hope from here on out no more issues!!! Her dilation went well yesterday. They will continue to do that a couple more times. They're planning on doing it again in a couple of months. If she doesn't have to get this chest tube put back in then it's time to work on feedings.... and then yep you guessed... come home time!!! It's not going to be something that happens overnight... will prob take a few weeks. She has to learn how to eat again, and who knows if she'll take the whole bottle or not. They will give her some time and if worse case she doesn't eat send her home on a feeding tube. The Dr. still does not want to do a g-tube due to the small size of her stomach. He mentioned it but then the next day remembered how small her belly was and said absolutely not. Which works for me.. I think even if she has to come home on a feeding tube, it won't take her no time to start eating again. I think its going to be a while before she starts eating well, simply for the fact that this formula she's on, they say is awful. "It's the worse tasting/smelling stuff out there." Hopefully she won't be on it long, but it could be a few weeks, so we'll see. I'm just happy I can hold her again!!! Well here's a couple of pictures from yesterday, I'll have lots more to post after this weekend when she's feeling better!! And yes Grandma, I'll get one of her smiling... I know you need it :)
1 comment:
Hi Jami I just love the pictures I can't wait to pinch her. Tell Dawson I am sooo proud that he was cavity free, he must be brushing often, now he needs to floss. Tell Eric and Aryssa hello and give them a big hug for me. Catch you later Love Gramma
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