Hey everyone, sorry I haven't wrote in a while. As most of you know we got the best news ever this week. Ava Jae Grace is coming home to be with her mommy, daddy, brother, and sister. I can't even begin to put into words how happy I am. My angel will be with me at last. She still hasn't started taking her bottle, but I think she will soon!!! We learned how to change the NG tube, which is way easier than I thought. The hardest part is knowing it doesn't feel so great and watching her cry. We also have a pump and monitors to monitor at night during her feedings. I'm sooooooooo excited. I am going to miss a couple of the nurses up there but we already decide to have lunch and dinner dates!! We will forever always be grateful to them for what they've done for Ms Ava.... 2 imparticular. I hope they stay in our lives forever. Plus we're going to have the coolest birthday party's with pony rides and all for Ava, :) I wanted to have this big coming home party for her, but everyone's sick!!! Anyway I'm going to post a few pics, most are from the pumpkin patch, which is a funny story. We were going with Christa, Vern, and their kids. Well Christa got Dawson a train ticket and they were sold out by the time we went to get ours so we had to drive there. Anywho when we looked online at the pumpkin patch in Noblesville (I swear it said with the train ride) it was called oh something, I forget. Anyway we drive there, buy like 50 tickets (thinking that will be enough for all the kids) and wait for Christa to call. In the mean time I'm wandering where this train drops them off at and can't seem to find it. Well Christa calls and yay she's here....finally. Well I still don't see a train. She's at the petting zoo which we had just left the petting zoo and we're wandering why we didn't pass her??? Make a already long story short, we were at two diff pumpkin patches. Who knew Nobelsville had two of them? Turns out we got the better deal. Ours had games and rides and real face painting, while there's was literally just a cornfield with pumpkins that had FFA high schoolers doing face paint with markers. Oh well, the kids had fun. Poor Christa was sick, but survived. They loved the train. Dawson actually got to go on a school field trip today and went on the same train ride. If we knew that we could have let Aryssa have his ticket. There's next year I guess. Although I don't really want to go to that one so maybe Christmas. I guess at Christmas time they do a train ride with hot chocolate, read you a story, and go pick up Santa. It's called Polar Ex pres or something like that. Well I'm off to bed to get my last good night sleep for the next 3 years. Night everyone.Oh and p.s. I'm well aware Dawson's hair looks bad, he moved while I was cutting it so I had to cut all of his bangs off. Oh and I had a really good pic of Eric, me, and Rissy but somehow it got erased???? 

Congratulations on bringing your baby girl home!! She is beautiful!
I am so happy for everybody. I am finally receiving your e-mails Jami. Congratulations to the whole family. Dawson is sooo handsome and of course Ms. Ava is beautiful.
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