How was every ones weekend? I did my usual, went to the hospital to see Ms Ava, rode in a go cart ten times to small for me, (its Gavins) went shopping with my mom (which btw she got Ava the cutest outfit at Gymboree), helped Eric a little bit at Papa Murphys... you know the usual! I'm hoping this weekend we can take Dawson and Aryssa to the pumpkin patch!!! I wish we could bring Ava too but.... We'll see though, right now Dawsons sick. He stayed home from school today, Aryssa will probably have it next. Ava cried when I walked away from her for the first time today. I didn't think they did that this early but she did :) So I did it again, but then I picked her up. Heheehehehe. I now probably have a bladder infection or whatever you get from holding your pee for hours!!! She would not let me put her down, but I LOVED it!! She loves(thanks Christa, or should I say Emma) her swing. When I first got there, I picked her up out of her swing and she screamed. Deff. letting us know her likes and dislikes. Right now the only thing really keeping her at the hospital is her eating. After 3 weeks of being on the vent, having things shoved down her throat, she developed an aversion to eating, well to anything going in her mouth at all actually. I've had the most luck out of well me and the nurses. Speech came to work with her yesterday. They don't want to push her into eating and just shove the bottle in her mouth because then she'll really hate it and will prob never eat for us. Right now during feedings I'm just dipping her bink in milk and playing with it on her lips. Shes content while I'm doing it too... which is a good sign. At first she would get mad and scream at me. She's so funny she does this little grunt squeal type thing. Cracks me up every time! Anyway hopefully she'll get there soon and at least take a little bit from the bottle. As soon as she does they'll send her home with a feeding tube. Or who knows maybe she'll just eat the whole bottle and won't need a feeding tube!!! That would be nice :) I think she's just going to need a couple weeks and she'll pick it up! Do I think she'll take all 79 m.l.... no prob not, but I'm sure she'll at least take some. At least she'll be able to come home!!! They will teach us how to change the feeding tube and we can work with her at home on her feedings. The cardiologist is pretty set on her coming home with a feeding tube also. She said if she gets tired like before (because of her heart) then at least she'll have the feeding tube. They for some reason don't think she'll eat. I guess a lot of heart babies have issues. I think she will, she did before the surgery and she enjoyed it she just got tired. Speaking of the whole heart thing... I'm really agro over this. I mean we expected to bring our baby home with her fixed heart and not have any other surgeries. I was actually excited that she was getting her heart surgery only because I thought she'd be home... no problems. And now she MAY have to have another heart surgery. So aggravating!!! Why does a surgery that's supposed to fix something give her a potentially even bigger problem that's harder to fix? Anyway I'm hanging onto "she may grow into it and not need surgery" Today me and Ava got to have another photo shoot. I took in her boppy (again thanks Christa) sat her up in it and shot away. She LOVES sitting up btw. I didn't get any smiles out of her, but its hard when you're the one holding the camera and trying to get her to smile. Her day nurse took the tube out for me so I could get some pictures of her without all that tape on her face. The night nurse did get a good shot of her last night. I took a pic of the scrap book page they made. Well I'm going to post some pictures now. Oh one more thing Dawson went to the dentist Thurs. no cavities :)

Grandmommy giving Ava her breathing treatment

m so used to seeing the tape on her face, it's weirrd to see her without it! Too cute!! It's amazing how just that little bit of tape can change her face so much. I'm glad she likes the swing. At least someone's getting use out of it since my darling HATED it! I want to hold her again... I wish the darn hospital wasn't so far away from me! I can't wait until she comes home and we can do our weekend playdates!
Oh she is gettin so big and more beautiful I cant wait to see her
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