Hey everyone, we got family pictures today... finally. Thanks to my mom!!! They gave most of them to us on the c.c. The really good ones that we ordered though are not on the cd... kinda bull! Anyway Ive posted a few. We had a busy day today. Well Aryssa and I anyway. Christa thought it would be fun to take just the girls... well the big girls that is to get their toes painted. First we went to lunch (let Aryssa pick....well kinda.) then to target and Christa bought her a birthday outfit and a toy, then off to the nail salon. We let the kids pick out the colors they wanted. I guess Aryssa was feeling pretty patriotic because she picked red and blue, lol. Then she decided she wanted a star jewel thingy on her big toes :) Lakin wanted purple and a almost white with a flower jewel thingy on her big toes. SO cute, they were!!! I of course forgot my camera so as soon as Christa posts or emails me pics I'll put them up. As we were eating the kids decided they were tired, bored, not sure, but decided to get really really loud. The lady next to us decided I guess that they were too loud to handle because she didnt even finish her sundae and told the waitress she should have brought her ear plugs or something along those lines. I tried to get Christa to follow her to the bathroom with the kids, because that's where she went next. Not very nice no, but funny... yes! Poor lady. They weren't that loud. I've seen way worse. After waiting 20 min for our check I was ready to bounce around too. Lakins only 3, she did pretty darn well I think! The lady's lucky they didn't have full blown tantrums. They were just having fun playing with their balloons... very loudly :) They didn't sing happy birthday there so Christa decided to call chilis. In doing so she tells them that we were at Applebees with our kids and they wouldn't sing happy bday. If we were to come there and get dessert would they. They said yes, but unfortunately we didn't end up making it over there. After spending way too long in target the kids were tired and we had to re convince Aryssa to get her toes done. She just wanted to get home and play with her new Hannah Montana makeup. After toes we go back to my moms only to realize I left the pictures at the nail place. So back to the nail place we go... get the pictures and get back to my moms. My mom of course had been home all day and wanted to go shopping. She can't not shop on a Sat. I mean who does that right? Hehehehe. She was too tired and so was I so we called it a night. She did learn how to use Avas feeding pump today though. See ya learn something new everyday. Just think mom, now Ava can spend the night :) Ha! Yeah right she's prob thinking. I think Ava cried a bit for her today. She may be rethinking the whole spending the night thing now. Speaking of Ava... since she was like a month old she had a little white spot on her bottom gums. I thought it was teeth trying to come in but I thought twice because she was so young. Sure enough though that's what it is. My baby's trying to get teeth!! Anywho I'm going to post these family pictures. Imagine me having my hair done and a tan, and they would look oh so much better :) The kids and Eric looked great though! I'll have more bday pics soon. We're having a kids party for Ms Ryssie tomorrow. She informed me tonight she wants to do Lakins makeup. Oh and her and Lakin will be dressed the same, that should make cute pics. I think the little girls will be too!
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