O.k. so I have no idea why these pictures are spaced so far apart? i've worked on this thing for two hours now. Earlier after I got all of my pictures posted and everything wrote out, my blog posted itself with no words and spaced even further apart. Christas been having problems with hers too so i think someting must be wrong with the site. Very aggrivating! On top of that I woke up with a cold, which I'm not thrilled about. I havent been sick for over a year it was bound to happen I suppose. I'd just rather it had happend after Ava got her surgery. Now I'm scared to death she's going to get sick since I go crazy with the kisses every day. I didnt know yesterday I was getting sick and was all in her face. What if she gets sick while she's having surgery and she's on the vent forever again or something crazy. I would feel awful! Maybe I'll call and mention that to them today. A cold usually takes about a week to get so hopefully we're in the clear. Anway as most of you prob know we got some great news Friday. We went to the doc which by the way Ava weighs 10 lbs 1 oz. Gettin big!!! Her belly has finally grown big enough for a g tube! That means no more tape on her pretty little face and no more putting this tube down her nose. She's really starting to fight it!! We also saw the cardiologist. Her hearts pretty much fixed. We don't have to go back for a whole year, yipeeee! Great news! There is a small leak where the patch is but nothing they're too concerned about. I'll let everyone know how her surgery goes. We should only be there a few days this time. I also wanted to let everyone know my cousin Dylan is having surgery to have a tumor removed. It's in his face and it's a pretty complicated surgery from what I understand. It takes somewhere around 6 to 8 hours. He goes in today I believe or maybe it was a couple of days ago. Oh gosh I forget, but I think the surgerys tomorrow. Anyway if you could keep him in your prayers our family would appreciate it!!! We also got good news on Erics sister in laws baby. Everything looks good and the babys growing so they're not too worried about the cord like they were before. It's called something but I forget. I'm getting all sidetracked Matthew Macaughnays on t.v. at the moment :) I'm not going to write under all of the pictures because it'll prob mess up. We ddint get many of Aryssas party at our house but we did get some of when Christa took her out for her bday. I wrote about that in the last blog. If you look close you'll see the lady who about had a fit because the kids were playing with their balloons and realy not being all that loud... anway enjoy!
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