So we finished Ava's room Monday!!! We're going to try and do Aryssas this weekend, and then it's Dawsons turn. One of these days we'll get to ours!!! I have so much fun doing their's though, I've completely forgotten about ours. Not sure how I could considering I lay in it 24/7 now. I'm so thankful for my mom and grandma. Her room would not look like it does if it wasn't for them, they've been amazing!!! Not only did they paint and hang the border, they bought everything, seriously. If not for them I'm sure it would have been something for free from craigs list or ebay. (j-k I love you Eric). Diane (Eric's mom) bought Ms. Ava her dresser, which btw looks so darn cute!!!! Thanks so much Diane, you saved my baby girl from the half of dresser with chewed up legs. I'm a lucky girl, I have the BEST family ever. It's been wonderful seeing everyone pull together at a time like this. Christa... I don't know where to start with you. Thanks for just listening to me breathe on the phone (or bitch, lol), it's helped a lot even if you don't realize it. Not everyone is so lucky to have a friend like you. You've helped me out so much with Dawson (teaching him how to use the mircrowave :) I'm not sure how I will ever repay you. I was sitting here last night thinking, wow what could I possibly do to EVER repay Christa and my parents for everything they've done... I'm still blank. So I guess I better start buying lottery tickets, hehe. I know these next few months are going to be the hardest ever, heck the next few years, but I know I have the best friend ever and the best family I can turn to no matter what. Thanks you guys rock, hehe. O.K, I now am going to try and upload some of the pics of Avas room...

OH and P.S. I had an ultra-sound and Ava has hair!!!!! Ha Christa!! For those of you that don't know her, all of her babies are bald :) She's weighing about 3 lbs 9 oz. She's growing and is exactly where she should be!!!

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