My mom made this stool!!!
It's like 5 in the morning, and my growling stomach woke me up. Now I can't go back to sleep. Oh well... I have all day right? I am getting to watch a newborn have heart surgery though. TLC has all the good baby shows on. How was everyones weekend? Well other than Christas, driving all the way to Sam's Club, only to buy nothing.!.! Mine was spectacular, other than a few mood swings. I'll be glad when this is over. No Ava that doesn't mean you can come out quite yet!! I do think everyone should be ready towards the end of July though, just a feeling. My mom threw a great shower this weekend! Best, cutest shower ever :) We all know I love presents, and yes there was lots and lots of presents. Ms. Ava will have lots and lots of clothes!!! I won't have to buy her any next summer. We know I will, but I won't need to. I didn't get any of the things that most people get 100 of. You know, nail clippers, snot suckers, bottle washers, diapers, wipes, that sort of thing, but I did get a few gift cards. I'll be using those for all of that stuff!!! I'm still not sure on what/if the baby will be on bottles so we're going to hold off on those until after her surgerys. My mom even got bags that matched the presents. CUTE CUTE CUTE! The cake was super cute, it had a prego chick on it made out of fondant, it was cute, and yummy! (for a white cake that is lol) That's ok my aunt (he-he) screwed my moms cake up for her birthday too. I got the one for the surprise party,it was perfect. J-K, it was really my fault my aunt messed it up. I do remind myself every now and then, choc. whipped, kroger. (right mom?)I thought it was choc. marsh, butter. He-he. I'm still the best daughter ;) OK about the shower... Everyone matched, that was fun. I love matching! We were kind of late to my own shower on account of that, but hey that's ok, my dress matched :) My mom bought Aryssa the cutest dress. It was brown with pink polka dots, I'll post a picture. Christa did a good job on the games. She also did a good job leaving a bag of about 12 candy bars laying around. She couldn't buy the minature ones could she? I think I've went threw and took a bite out of every one of them. That's ok, I'm getting my candy bar fix, I normaly don't like them, but for some reason Ava likes them. Diana won the grandma game. For those of you that weren't here, I had all of the grandmas paint a onsie for Ava to wear. Erics mom being the artist she is won!!! I'll post a picture of that too as soon as I get them. Well I'm going to attempt to post a few pictures now. When my mom emails me what she has, I'll post those as well. I promise after this pregnancy is over, I'l'l look better. I look awful in these pictures, ahhhhhhh! Don't be scared :) P.S. I'm a little bummed, we didnt' get pictures of everyone, like all the people at the shower. Who forgets to do that? Apparently I do. Oops I accidently put two of the same pictures on here, not sure how to get them off...

For some reason I can't write under these pictures on the bottom, I think everyone knows who everyone is though, right? Oh the punch fountain was a hit, other than Stacy and Kelli wanting to put some vodka in it, lol. THANK YOU everyone for everything. Ava's going to love it all. Well I'm going to anyway. I have a feeling I'l lbe taking lots of pictures, like one everyday of her in a diff outfit! At least for the first year anyway :) Mom thanks so much for throwing the shower you did a wonderful job!!!!! Christa, thanks for leaving the candybars :) Alec thanks for getting moon sand all over Dawson's floor, he won't stop talking about it, lol. My son is Mr. Clean, like ocd mr. clean, i love it though!!!!! Really though, thanks everyone, it's a shower I'll never forget!
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