Just some belly pictures, a couple of them are pretty funny so i wanted to share them with everyone! I don't think she's going to be in the belly very much longer so get a long nice look. Eric thinks he wants 0 more kids so this may be the last time you all get to see my growth, lol. I get this cerclage out in about 2 1/2 weeks and I think she'll come prob within a couple of days from when i get it taken out. (well if not before then) I got to take another lovely trip to the hospital Monday night, contractions, contractions, contractions... story of my life. I'm just a BIG walking contraction. Or laying contraction that is. I don't do much walking these days. Anyway I'll prob get some of this fluid drained one more time so she'll hold out for a couple more weeks. Oh and p.s the lop-sided ones are of me having a contraction. She was laying funny so when I had the contraction you could see where her back/ butt area was. She's already posing!

I was 16 weeks (thats 4 weeks Phil, haha)here, still small :)

almost 20 here... from here on out I get H-U-G-E

around 26 ish here

The BIG 30 weeks

My 2nd table...

How funny looking!!!
well, personally, I think your belly is cute. Well, not so much the lopsided ones. I miss my pregnant belly!!! Other than the fact that you'll get to wear colored skinny's, you'll miss it, too!
Gramma said that belly is soooooo big it hurts me to look at it. I bet I finally got this in the right place. Love
July 22,2008
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