Thursday, July 24, 2008

almost 30....

Well I'm 4 years from 30 today, ahhhhhhhhh!!!! I thought my mom forgot because she didnt do her yearly 5 in the morning calls. She's lucky thoug hshe just called at 10:30, hehe. Grandma you're running a little late. Did you forget? So much for your birthday reminder book huh? j-k!!! Anyway I'm actually looking foward to 30, never thought I'd say that! I'm so happy with my life right now I know it's just going to get better. So bring it on :) My birthday wish is to feel normal again!!! Yes I know it's only been a week since my surgery but I'm over it. I think I had a touch of the baby blues a couple nights ago. I was getting out of the shower and just started bawling. My belli and everything, I mean everything is so swollen I can't stand it. I'm better now though, my crying episode only lasted about 15 min. :) Eric walked in the bathroom and laughed at me. Silly man doesn't he know you don't laugh at a post baby, baby blues woman, hehe. My boobs... oh gosh, I forgot how bad those things hurt! Why didn't anyone remind me? Not to mention how hard they get, it's like a rock. They look really BIG and fake right now. I mean I know they're fake but they really look fake, lol. I at least am on pain medicine, I feel for you women that weren't!!!!

So I just called the hospital, well I've called them 3 times since we left last night. I think they're getting used to my 3 am calls, they're starting to know my crackly sound like a man voice. That must be from the surgery too, I never used to sound like this when I woke up! I sound like Kristi Lane! Anyway about Ava. They increased her feedings... they add 2 m.l. every 12 hours, so this morning she's up to 7 m.l. Yesterday her jaundice level was at 13 so they went ahead and put a light over her. She should be off of that tonight or tomorrow. All of her bloodwork is still coming back normal. The "syndrome doctor" (thats what i call him I forget the real name for it) came by yesterday, he wants to get a better look at her when she doesn't have the tape on her mouth. He doesn't think she has any type of syndrome though, it's just some random thing that happend to her. I asked once again if it was something I did and they assured me it wasn't. You can't help but feel that, I mean they're growing inside of you, ya know? This also isn't something that would happen again if we have another baby. It's not genetic at all. This morning they took her off the ventilator. YAY!!!!! So far so good, her stats are in the 90's. They also laid her on her belly and she tolerated it! That's super good considering before when they moved her head a certain way she'd have a silent fit. She must not be hurting as bad now :) No more silent fits, we now will get to hear her cry! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just want to hold her. Soon Soon Soon. Everything is moving along so fast and she's doing so good. I just hope it continues this way. The power of prayer is amazing!!! They are going to do a "dye test" Friday. Basically they put dye down her throat threw a tube ( I think) and they do an x-ray to make sure it's not leaking out anywhere. If that goes well they will start talking bottle talk. Oh and I almost forgot, my baby is showing personality all morphined up and all. I got her to calm down and fall asleep by stroking her little head yesterday. I almost cried. I guess I almost cry at everything. Every day she opens her eyes when I talk to her I get teary-eyed. Babies really are little miracles. It's so amazing to think that you carried that little person inside you and then to look at them now . I mean she could still be in my belli, so crazy to me. Don't worry mom, this doesn't mean I'm going to go have a few more (ahem Christy) j-k seester! But I don't feel like I'm finished yet. I figured this would deff be my last, but I think there's a little boy left inside of me. After we're married of course ;) No more Angelenia Brad Pitt instances for us :)

Well Diana is downstairs making blue-berry muffins for me (God bless her, hehe) so I'm going to go scarff. Happy Birthday to me. Then I'm going to go spend it with my little angel. I'll post more pictures tonight, I just got a couple of them yesterday when we were there.(well maybe tomorrow my mom and dad are taking me to dinner tonight and then coming up to the hospital so it'll be a late one) Todays will be good ones though. NO VENTILATOR :) Can you tell I'm excited?

Oh and something funny I wanted to share with everyone. Christa took the boys to a parade the other day. Well Dawson comes up to her and tells her he has to go to the bathroom. She figures number one, he can wait a minute. Well then he comes up and tells her he "has to poop, really bad" and that he's willing to go behind the bushes, lol. So she packs up all the kids and takes him to the gas station, well then he says, "It's probably dirty I'll just wait till we get home" ha! my sweet sweet boy. :)

ava's day nurse made this for her... so sweet
ava's little area
her tanning bed, she loves it! she wants a day at the spa w/ mommy already

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