Hey everyone. So I went to the doctor Monday. My mom got the joy of seeing her first amnio reduction, and after that a crazy possible mental person. (me!) I had some fluid taken out and started contracting really bad afterwards. Apparently there are ligaments attached to your uterus that can shrink back down after that procedure and cause "floor dropping" pain as the nurse called it. Well I had the joy of finding out exactly how floor dropping that was. It was worse than any pain I experienced when in labor with Dawson. I had already had an epidural at that point with him or else I just have a really horrible memory. Of course while I'm in the worse pain EVER my mom is talking about how nice it is that the hospital has green sheet's instead of "them ol' white ones" Ok seriously mom? Leave it to mothers, lol. Anyway soooo happy she was there, I really thought I was going to have a baby and Eric was in Cinncinnatti for work that day. Talk about SCARY! Anywhooooo, the doctor sent some fluid over to the lab to be tested for lung maturity, and my little linebacker (yes i'm aware she's a girl, but you should feel her kicks!) has mature lungs!!!! They decided it would be best for me to have another c-section (tear, tear) and the lucky day is tomorrow. Yes Ms. Ava's birthday is going to be July 17th. We have to be there at 7:30am and they will start the surgery around 9:30.... so by tenish she should be here!!! She will be about a month early, but they're not too worried about it. If they would not have scheduled a c-section I have a feeling she would be coming in the next few days anyway and it prob would be sat when everyones gone! My mom, sister, grandma, eric, christa, dawson, everyone, will be out of town for something sat. THe way my lucks running that's when she would have decided to make her appearence. I guess Erics softball game is cancelled for Sat. sorry Eric... Soooooooo I finally get to see what she looks like, I'm so excited, but at the same time soooo scared. It's one of those bitter-sweet moments. I'm happy to have this pregnancy over with because it's been so bad but then on the other hand I know she's safe in my belly and would keep her there forever if it would make her ok. She's strong though (once again you should feel her kicks) so I know she's going to make it through all of this and be just fine! Plus she has a whole bunch of people praying for her every day! I'm not going to post any pictures today, because I have no new ones, but I will post some up of the baby asap. I'm having Eric bring the lap-top and I'll have my camera cord. It will give me something to do during those long just sitting around and waiting surgery moments. Christa helped me put together a list of everything I needed to pack, and we're good to go! We're still not sure on when they are doing the surgery on the esophogus/belly issue but will know more after she's born and they run tests. I'll let everyone know in a few days... so till then, keep baby Ava in your prayers :)
Also my mom is taking my sister to American Idol try-outs this weekend. Just thought I would let everyone know that, so when the time comes you'll be ready to vote vote vote!!! Wish her luck!
One more thing, Christa got the results from her leep/leap whatever it's called. You know, the thing where they burn your cervix off ;) It came back negative!!!! Yipeeeeee. Everythings good, so she can have more babies :) Now she just goes back every 6 months to see the hot doctor (hmmm maybe i need a leap/leep, hehe) and once she gets 3 norm paps shes back to going just once a year! I'm so happy happy happy for her. Maybe we can have our boys together next ;) Oh and I got a couple pictures of the kids today so I'll go ahead and post them. Aryssa just fell asleep again, only this time sitting up. Awwww to be a kid again :)
Also my mom is taking my sister to American Idol try-outs this weekend. Just thought I would let everyone know that, so when the time comes you'll be ready to vote vote vote!!! Wish her luck!
One more thing, Christa got the results from her leep/leap whatever it's called. You know, the thing where they burn your cervix off ;) It came back negative!!!! Yipeeeeee. Everythings good, so she can have more babies :) Now she just goes back every 6 months to see the hot doctor (hmmm maybe i need a leap/leep, hehe) and once she gets 3 norm paps shes back to going just once a year! I'm so happy happy happy for her. Maybe we can have our boys together next ;) Oh and I got a couple pictures of the kids today so I'll go ahead and post them. Aryssa just fell asleep again, only this time sitting up. Awwww to be a kid again :)
Oh and Aunt Deveda if you're reading this grandma sent me your email address. I tried emailing you this morning but it came back. I don't know maybe I don't have the right address? I have a problem with Aunt Barbaras at times to??? Thanks for the comments though, and yes I remember you!!!

Dawson and Aryssa found swim diapers today, amazing my 8 yr old still fits in them.

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