Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've wrote, sorry! Anything that requires brain cells hasn't happend lately. I haven't felt so great. Well we met with the heart surgeon Monday. Nice guy! Everything seems great with that so far. They're once again more worried about getting the other issue cleared up before they do surgery on the heart. He said the words we seem to hear a lot lately, "it's a fairly large hole" but fixable. There's actually like only a one percent chance of something going wrong during that surgery. Pretty easy surgery I suppose. Sounds weird considering it's her little tiny heart he'll be working on. Good news, well kind of, well we think. They saw a tiny bit of fluid in Ava's stomach Monday. This they once again think means there's a fistula. We think this means it will be easier to fix rather than no fistula. It's really hard for me to explain so here's a link for everyone to look at and maybe understand a little better. Honestly I'm questioned out and don't even know how to answer anymore. http://www.healthofchildren.com/E-F/Esophageal-Atresia.html So with this news I'm hoping it means a shorter hospital stay and I can bring my baby home!!!! I can't wait! On to me being absolutely miserable.... So during the ultra sound they inform me my fluid level is at 38. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! It was at 30 last time I had it drained. (norm is between 8 and 18)I seriously don't think I can take it anymore!!! To roll over is the worst belly pain I think I've ever experienced. Well almost. It hurts though, I'm deff. over it. I'm trying to hold off for my next Monday appt and possibly get it drained then. Not sure if it's going to happen but I'm going to try!!!! I can't eat very much because it hurts and there's no where for it to go. I can't get a full breath in, just all around SUCKS! Dr. Summners (specialist at St. V's) decided to take over my care. Makes me kind of sad, I didnt get to tell Dr. Clark bye. (that's what Christa and I like to call him) I guess I'll see him at my 6 week checkup though. So this means my cerclage will not be taken out on the 24th now. On the 23rd they are going to do an amniocetesis to see if the babys lungs are mature. If they are then they will schedule a date to take it out and possibly induce me. I'm guessing it will be that following Monday, the 28th. I'll keep everyone posted!!!
So how was everyone's 4th of July? Mine was spent watching my mom and Diana paint Aryssa's room, sleeping, and watching fireworks out the window periodically. I wish I could help paint!!! Eric prob wishes I could to beings how we sent him back to the store ten times :) The first time was his fault though, I told him not to buy flat paint but did he listen to me? Nopers! Do they ever? Nopers again! We didnt have Dawson or Aryssa so we decided to stay in that night. We did however go to Christas anual 4th of July cook-out Sat. As always that was a hit! We were a little late, ok a couple of hours late, but had fun while we were there. They do a better firework show than downtown. I didn't get to see the finale though, I was inside and they had like three or four finales? Go figure drunk people, teenage boys, and fireworks, lol. I also didnt get to have my one drink time with Christa a year, but hey there's next year! There was a lot of food and a ton of desserts thanks to Christa "Deen". (She thinks she's Paula Deens daughter)That was a pregnant girls heaven! I'm still thinking about all that food :) I ended up having a million in one contractions and had to leave after the fireworks. I didnt get any pictures because I forgot my camera, I did however steal a few from other people.
Christa gets to take a trip do see good ol' Dr. Clark today. I don't exactly think its a fun one but one that needs to be done!!! Hopefully this appt will get rid of the spot "cancer" in her cervix. If so yay if not she'll have to go in and get it done again. We'll see, I think it takes about a week to come back. Not sure though, I forget. What don't I forget anymore? I offered to go in and hold her hand but I think she wants Dr. B all to herself. Everyone keep her cervix in your prayers!!! OK I'm going to post a couple pictures now...

she fell asleep like this watching a movie

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