Well I'm 31 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. I'm absolutely miserable. It feels like there's 100 pound weight crushing my organs everytime I turn over. My contractions... oh they hurt, and they're long. I'm sure Erics sick of hearing me moan and hear all of my ouches every time I turn or roll over but OUCH! The top of my stomach feels like someone burnt me with a really hot flat iron. I guess it's from all of the stretching of my skin. I really wish I could wear a bra and it be comfortable. I paid too much money to mess these things up :)
I'm measuring about 39 weeks right now, ahhhhh!!! I went to the doctor yesterday for an ultra-sound. I (surprise surprise) have a swimming pool in my stomach. Tomorrow's the big day though. I get to get it removed, yipee!!! I never thought I'd be excited for a life size sword to be plunged into my stomach, but I can hardly wait!!! I am... on the other hand... a little scared. YES, I said it I'm scared. Repeat it cause you'll prob never hear me say that again :) I have no stretch marks so far but is my stomach going to shrink? And if it does will I have stretch marks? That freaks me out, good thing they have surgery for those kinds of things! Hmmmm, maybe that's why Eric hasn't got down on one knee yet, he's waiting to see what I look like post-baby, lol. Good ol' Clark (that's what me and Christa call our baby doc.) isn't sure if I'll make it to 36 weeks or not. My contractions are every 2 to 5 min. most of the day now. Apparently I'm supposed to wait until this ceurclage breaks to know I'm in early labor. Stupid huh? You'd think they'd give me some procardia, something, to stop the contractions, but oh no lets damage her cervix instead :) I'm not bitter, I swear :) So my guess is once they take the ceurclage out Ms Ava Jae Grace will make her apearence. I'm saying July 27th. (It gets taken out the 24th, my birthday!) Anyone else want to make some guesses? You can guess her weight too, we'll see who's the closest!! Wow, I must be bored, lol.

Hi Jamie, this is your Aunt Deveda. I did not know that you had turned into a full-blown comedienne. You probably don't even remember me, but I remember you and ask about you to your grandmother. She does not tell you that does she? Let me know your address kiddo and I will send something for baby Ava. Love the name.
I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the pictures of everyone. Dawson is so cute. I want you to take good care of yourself. I will look in every once in a while and see how things are going.
Love to all.
Hi baby. Ava'sroom looks fabulous! Your momma has a huge heart and loves you so much...always has. It's nice to see your relationship deepen with her. I'm so proud of you the way you've grown into a special young lady and mommy. I'll talk to you soon. Auntie Chief.
Good morning Jami
Your Mom told me you got to go home yesterday. I bet your feeling a lot better with (2)liters out of that little belly. Take good care of yourself this week ,get plenty of rest cause we are going to party next Sat at your house. The shower will be a lot of fun. Saw Crista at the Party store yesterday.I will have to tell your Aunt Deveda how to spell your name. Catch you later. Love Ya Grandma...
awwww... aren't you cute??? I wish I had lots of pictures of my pregnant belly.... maybe next time
Hi Jami just read your new blog for today. I hope everything goes well with Crista she a very sweet girl. And I will be glad when you get to feeling better. I will be leaving for Florida Sat morning so I will see you when I get back.
Love you bunches.....
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