Hey everyone, sorry I haven't wrote in a while, been busy!! Ms. Ava is 3 weeks old :) Getting bigger, stronger, and prettier every day. She hasn't lost her hair yet either Christa... Not much change since last time I wrote. We're just waiting on her to eat so she can come home. If she doesn't start within the next couple of weeks I think they're going to go ahead and put a G-tube in her. I hope it doesnt come to that, but we'll see. She's strong I know she'll pick up on the eating thing here soon. Today she was starving. I was giving her a bath and she was going nuts trying to eat her hands! That's a good sign! I'll post some pictures up. I put her in a daddy outfit and took pics so he could see her since he wasnt able to make it up today. She weighed 5 pounds 9 ounces today. One scary thing we have to start looking for signs of is congestive heart failure. Just the name alone is scary. Everytime I think of it happening to my baby I get sick to my stomach. It usually starts between 4 and 6 weeks. As much as I want her to come home I'd rather all that biz happen up there. They will put her on a medicine and if all goes well hopefully hold her off until she's somewhere between 4 and 6 months to do her heart surgery. I dread that day. I wish they could just do it now. I have a feeling that's going to be harder than this first surgery was.
Sooooo everyone have a good weekend so far? Except for poor Christa. Darn kids ruin everything don't they? hehe j-k!!! We had a girls night out Friday to go and watch Chippendales perform at 8 seconds. Little miss Emma decided she didnt want her mom to go and threw up all over her. She's been teething, so that's prob all it was, nothing too serious. Still though, little brat :) Wish I could say I had no fun without you but that soooo wasn't the case. Those chippendales are funny! Them and their nasty banana flingin selves. What is it they put in their underwear or dental floss as my mother calls it? You know they're not all that big down there, I mean seriously... FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY! After two hours (literally) of watching them put t-shirts on girls they finally started the show. It was supposed to start at 8 but didnt until after 9. It was a good and deff entertaining show! Eric and Phillip were waiting on us so we had to leave before the end. I'm still upset I didnt get to see the finale. They come out into the audience and start dancing on you if you have money. Well I was just standing their minding my buisness and one of them chased me around the darn bar, lol. I told him I didn't have any dollars. Eric wouldnt give me the ones in his wallet, he spent them on lunch so I couldnt take them. hehehehehe. Anyway as much as I'd love to go on about these naked "strait" men I can't because my movies back on :) Sorry Lifetime wins on this one :) Have fun with the pictures. 

me and liz
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