i got it mom i got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sooooo how's everyone? I'm good, kinda tired and a bit wore out but good. Not sure why I'm tired, I literally sit at the hospital all day but I'm tired. It's prob because I'm pregnant again. Just Kidding! Got ya mom didn't I? No more babies for me well not anytime in the near future that is. I go see Clark next week for the good ol' pap. (ugh i hate those big tong opener thingys!) The following week I get my 5 year birth control, uti is it? You would think I knew these things, but then again I did get pregnant didn't I. HA! Just kidding again :) (kinda)She' Good thing is I get to see the hot doc one more time before my yearlys... he's going to miss me I just know it! So Ava's about the same. She did start showing signs of congestive heart failure a couple days ago. The dr's put her on some meds and are keeping an eye on it. If she stays the same or gets worse they'll move her heart surgery up. The doctors are going to start talking G-tube to us prob by the end of the week. If she starts showing that she can eat more they'll hold off, but it's not looking like it. With her heart condition it wears her out and makes her sleepy so she can't eat enough. After her heart surgery that should all change. She'll be a lot stronger and won't get tired quite so fast. My poor baby. She's going threw more than what most of us go threw in a life time and it breaks my heart!!! She's strong and won't remember any of it I know. Plus she's prob going to be a tom-boy (since I'm so into her shopping and loving girly stuff) so she'll have "some cool scars" to show her friends. I'll know more by the beginning of next week as far as the g tube goes. Her aunt and uncle are coming up this weekend. YAY! They get to see baby Ava for the FIRST time. I get to see Elizabeths belly for the FIRST time!!! I bet it's a girl. Sorry Phil and Diane you guys just aren't going to get any boys anytime soon ;) Maybe when Phillip has kids... He'll be your boy producer! Ava discovered her thumb for the FIRST time Monday. Possibly the cutest thing EVER! I got some video of her trying today, I'll try to load it for everyone to see. My mom bought her a bouncy seat, which she loves. I took a pic of it so everyone could see how tiny she really is. For some reason she looks like a giant in every picture I take??? Ralph took Eric, Dawson, Aryssa, and I to Ruth Chris today. It was my FIRST time eating there, the steak was really good but I think I like St Elmos better. Maybe that's why I'm tired, eating all that food can wear you out! Aryssa really enjoyed the womens bathrooms, yes I got a picture. I got some dessert that I better hurry and get to. Eric didn't get any and ten bucks says he's downstairs eating it ;) Oh and last but not least Dawson started school Monday. He likes it so far, yipeeeeeeee! He's also been playing with the little girl across the street, I think he has his first crush, whooo hoooo. Nobody say anything to him though he'll get embarrassed and won't play with her anymore. OHHHHHH and BIG news, we had to break the news to him that Santa is fake. Along with the easter bunny, tooth fairy, etc.... lol. I thought he was going to be devastated so I made grandmommy do it. He did good with it though, a lot better than I expected. OK well I better go eat my banana stuff before it's all gone. P.S. I buttoned another pair of jeans today. Lifes getting better and better everyday :)

aryssa posing in the "cool bathrooms"video of ava trying to get her thumb
1 comment:
too cute!!! Look at those round cheeks! I can't wait to come up and see her, I'm a bad cicka. I wanted a thumb sucker! You suck! I couldn't get the video to load, stupid dial-up, so that sucks. I'll see it someday.
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