aryssa and emily

So we got a visit from the cardiologist this week. The hole in Ava's heart is a lot bigger than what they initally thought. That means sooner surgery. After talking to the surgeon... they decided to try and get her to grow faster which prob means g-tube. Which means she'll be able to come home for a bit before her heart surgery :) Tomorrow the surgeon that did the surgery on her esophogus and stomach comes back from vaca and will finally do another swallow study. It will be up to him to decide if he wants to do a g-tube or give her more time to eat. I'm just ready for my baby to come home, even if it is just for a little while. I wake up a few times a night thinking I hear her crying and then remembering oh yeah she's still at the hospital. Or I have these weird random dreams that I forgot to wake up and feed her... but she's not here... If she does get the g-tube she'll be in there another couple of weeks and then will be able to come home. If she's gaining weight like she should theyll wait a couple months to do her surgery. The bigger the baby the less risk!!!! If she doesnt gain they'll have to do it sooner. She's already showing signs of congestive heart failure which scares the heck out of me, but we know the signs to look for at home, plus she's on two medicines. She's a trooper. My strong girl!!! On that note I got the sweetest message from some random girl on myspace today. It brought tears to my eyes knowing that a stranger my family doesnt even know took the time out to message me to let me know she would pray for my baby girl. So sweet. Prayer really does miracles!!!
In my daughter's eyes I am a heroI am strong and wise and I know no fearBut the truth is plain to seeShe was sent to rescue meI see who I wanna beIn my daughter's eyesIn my daughter's eyes everyone is equalDarkness turns to light and theworld is at peaceThis miracle God gave to me gives mestrength when I am weakI find reason to believe In my daughter's eyesAnd when she wraps her handaround my fingerOh it puts a smile in my heartEverything becomes a little clearerI realize what life is all aboutIt's hangin' on when your hearthas had enoughIt's giving more when you feel like giving upI've seen the lightIt's in my daughter's eyesIn my daughter's eyes I can see the futureA reflection of who I am and what will beThough she'll grow and someday leaveMaybe raise a familyWhen I'm gone I hope you see how happyshe made meFor I'll be thereIn my daughter's eyes 

1 comment:
well, your right... I can't put music on mine.. your just not a nice person. I can't even get your music to load, if winter wasn't coming up, I would SO order that wild blue service. This sucks! Anyway...too cute!! You need to get her smaller binky's so I can see her face:) You can really see how tiny she really is in her swing... and in her socks! They cover her whole leg!!! :) She just doesn't look that small in the other pic.'s, but those really show teeny tiny Ava!
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