her cool shades ;)
she really seems to enjoy t.v. her and dawson were watching it together

first car-ride.. other than the amblance

time to go home.... right before we left the nicu

our first walk
Time to go to speech and work on our feedings... she's loves the car btw
Not sure what kind of smile this is, lol

the sign i woke up to. sorry mom had to put it on here. My mom ordered it, hated it, had it sent back, lol. It wasn't what she asked for. Long story, but it's "ugly" she says. I liked it though. It's the thought that counts :)

time to go home.... right before we left the nicu

our first walk

the sign i woke up to. sorry mom had to put it on here. My mom ordered it, hated it, had it sent back, lol. It wasn't what she asked for. Long story, but it's "ugly" she says. I liked it though. It's the thought that counts :)
Hey everyone, She's home ;) It's so nice to have my baby home with me. I'll be glad when she's off some of this medicine, the methadone actually, and of course when she's off this darn feeding pump. She hates the tube in her nose. She's almost pulled it out a few times., Luckily I've been right there and stopped her, because a couple of times it was in the middle of her eating. She was never a fussy baby at the nicu but once we got home, well she kind of turned into a different baby, lol. She's had a couple of days where she literally cried alllllllllllllllllllllllllll day. I'm not joking, all day!!! It's weird, she likes being held sometims but most of the time she'd rather sit in her bouncy seat, car seat, or swing. Must feel good on her belly. The only other way to calm her down is to walk with her. Today I had to walk and bounce her for literally an hour, just to get her to stop crying. No I mean screaming, she doesn't cry often, she screams. I feel bad because there's nothing I can do. I try everything. You just want to fix it and make it better and it sucks when you can't. The car seat usually does the trick. Must feel good on her belly. Speaking of carseat, she loves it so much, she sleeps in it. When I say sleeps in it I mean she really sleeps in it, from like 9 at night til 9 in the am. NICE, I love it :) What Idon't love so much is this darn pump! Or the tape these home health care people send you. It's awful!!! Her doctor said we can give her 85 m.l.'s every three hours and at night give it a six hour break. That way we're not up every three hours at night. This pump gets you up more than any baby wakes you up though. We set it get her formula going and 50 min later or it beeps. You hit contine, because the milks still in the tube, so about 15 min later or so, right when you're dozing back off, it beeps again. These aren't little light beeps they're LOUD like house is on fire beeps. So I hit continue again, and another ten min or so goes by. I'm back asleep at this point, and BEEEEEEEP. I finally can turn it off because it's all the way threw the tubing now. So at this point I get about two hours where I can sleep then wake back up to do it all over again. The sucky part is after all of this beeping, getting up, laying back down 3 times, I'm wide awake and can't go back to sleep. So really I get like an hour of sleep. I'll be happy when she decides she's ready to take the bottle. She's not making much progress. She does try and suck her thumb quite a bit though, which I believe is a good sign. She gagged herself today though, she almost stuck her whole fist in there, lol. Silly girl.
We had parent teacher confrences yesterday. Dawson got all A's and a couple B's. They use 3's and 4's, but they're equilivent to A's and B's. This means he gets a new guitar :) I think he's going to get it Friday. My moms also buying him guitar lessons. His teacher made him promise to bring it in and play her a song. She's a great teacher. He really loves her. She loves him. She calls him "her guy" She said she's not supposed to pick favorites but he's one of hers. He scored a 80% on their first computer test. Most kids scored around 50% she said. They only want him to read 40 word per min., and he reads 95. All in all he's doing great. I'm so proud of him!!! His teacher had nothing but great things to say about him. She also said whenever they're allowed to work in groups all of the kids want to partner up with him. :) That made me smile.
Well since Ava's asleep I better go get my beauty rest, he heheheehe. Eric did keep an eye on her today so I could get a nap. It was supposed to be a one hour nap but kinda turned into two. Guess I was tired!!! He has 3 am duty tonight :) I'll still wake up because that stupid pump is on my side. Hmmmm maybe we'll switch sides tonight :) I'll post some more pictures in a couple days. I'm going to Christas tomorrow, and we're taking pics of the girls in their matching cat outfits :)