my little angel...
drink it baby drink it :)
looks painful, lol, i don't think he was ready

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I posted a blog... our computer went capuit, however that saying goes. It's back, 40.00 later, hey better than 100.00 like last time I guess. So Ava's doing super great. Well other than her horrible rash which I'll get into later. They've taken her IV out so now the only tubing she has is her feeding tube. It's so much easier to hold her now! I don't think I've put her down for more than a min. since I've been able to hold her. This is def. the true meaning of love at first sight!!! Oh we get to dress her now too, yipeeeee! I haven't taken any of her super cute clothes up there though because you have to write their name in them plus I don't want them to get lost. We're saving those for shopping days with mommy! Well maybe, but that again is another story. I'm trying to think of what all has happend since last time I wrote and I can't remember, ahhhhhhhh!! The doctors moved Ava's feeding tube up towards the top of her stomach vs. being down in her intestines. They also moved her feedings up to 21 m.l. She's on continious feedings for two hours and then off of it for one hour. Until tomorrow that is and it'll be just the oppisite. The whole point in doing this is to hopefully make her realize hey I'm hungry and take the bottle. So far we've had no luck. She just hasn't had anything but tubes in her mouth so she's not really quite sure as to how to react to this weird thing with wet stuff coming out of it. Hopefully soon though. Once she's taking her feedings and there are no leaks (hopefully), and she doesn't have much reflex (again hopefully) then they'll start talking about sending her home. I can't wait!!! Onto Ava's poor little booty. She's had a rash for a few days. Probably from the antibiotics... anyway it's not going away, grrrrrrr. They've tried diff cremes and nothing seems to work. Today they let her butt air out for a little bit and that seems to be helping some. Well yesterday I about had to put my foot up one of the nurses you know what. I get to the hospital and Ava's soaked. She's little there's no way she peed enough to soak threw a onsie, two blankets, a diaper pad thingy, and a sheet if she was changed when she was supposed to be. I understand babies pee threw things all of the time but when a baby has a rash as severe as hers you should be checking her a little more often. (which her primary nurse does a good job, she wasn't there yesterday) So I grab the closest nurse I see (the old BIA) to change her (they have to weigh it) and she wipes her, doesnt blot or pour water wipes her. I was HOT! There was no poop even just pee. She was screaming and then I look at the diaper and there's freaking blood on it. GRRRRRRRRR! I'll post a pic. of it today. Well Eric just made dinner, so I'm off to eat. Oh and btw I changed my mind on ever having another baby, my boobs and belly are killing me!!!! Oh and I've had half of Christa's family tell me I'm fat still. (her brother loves me)